
"0" indicates that this BuildGroup should defer to its Project's settings for build expiration.

Defer to the Project's email settings.

Send only one email per day when the first build fails.

Don't send any email, regardless of users' preferences.

Send email to authors & committers when build problems occur.

This group's builds should contribute to totals on SubProject summary pages.

Create a new BuildGroup

Builds are shown on a day-by-day basis (default).
The most recent content is displayed for this BuildGroup, no matter when it was submitted. Contents are defined under the Dynamic tab.


Existing Wildcard Rules
BuildGroup Matches Type Delete?
{{wildcard.buildgroupname}} {{wildcard.match}} {{wildcard.buildtype}}

Existing Build Rows
Group to draw builds from Site Build name contains Delete?
{{rule.parentgroupname}} {{rule.sitename}} {{rule.match}}